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Other talks and presentations

Talks by other people who have found my research useful

Here's a list of videos and presentations that mention my software archaeology projects.

Martin Ling: Exploring and extending the Elite game engine for the BBC Micro

1 June 2024 (more info)

This brilliant talk was one of the highlights from EMF Camp 2024. It starts off with an excellent summary of Elite hacking over the years, and then shows BBC Micro Elite in both VR and Econet multiplayer - it's really something!

Colin Hoad: Teletext Elite - Bits and Bytes (Ep. 5)

6 May 2023 (more info)

This is a great review of Teletext Elite - Colin really understands the nostalgia kick that I was aiming for.

Alexander the OK: Elite: "The game that couldn't be written"

30 November 2023 (more info)

This is a really deep dive into the guts of Elite. It explains lots of the game's concepts in a really clear and entertaining fashion.

Aleksi Eeben: VIC 20 Elite

20 Jan 2015 (more info)

An astonishing conversion of Elite to the VIC 20, based on my annotated Commodore 64 source but with considerable magic sprinkled on top by Aleksi Eeben. This really is an exceptional bit of work!

Sharopolis: Games that push the limits of the BBC Micro

14 Sept 2024 (more info)

An enjoyable trip through the best of the Beeb: Aviator, Elite, Revs, The Sentinel, Exile and more.

Timberwolf: Revs: How Geoff Crammond squeezed a Formula 3 sim into 32K

8 February 2023 (more info)

This excellent video explains the code behind Revs, very clearly and with great animations. It makes a good companion to my Revs deep dives.

RetroBytes: 8-bit autopsy: Elite

1 Oct 2021 (more info)

An entertaining romp through the core aspects of Elite, which follows pretty much the same structure as my deep dives, so it makes for a good companion.

Yawning Angel Retro: 3D Elite on the BBC Master

5 Feb 2025 (more info)

A review of Elite 3D on the BBC Master with 6502 Second Processor, showing how it works and what it looks like. Unfortunately it also demonstrates that the 3D effect isn't that effective for some, but it's still a great video!